Anti Aging Treatments

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Anti Wrinkle treatment is done through an injection, which is the most popular cosmetic procedure in the world today! For those patients wishing to turn back the clock, it helps reduce wrinkles.Treatment areas may include:

  • Frown lines between the eyebrows and on the bridge of the nose

  • Crow's-feet at the corners of the eyes

  • Forehead creases

  • Thick bands on the neck

  • It has been used safely and effectively for many years to treat a variety of disorders.

How does it Work?

The brand name for botulinum toxin type A. When injected in small doses into specific muscles, it blocks the chemical signals that cause muscles to contract. When the muscles can't tighten, the skin flattens and appears smoother and less wrinkled.

How are the injections done?

At EMC, our doctors use a thin needle to inject tiny amounts of the medicine into specific muscles by carefully choosing the muscles to treat. The doctor weakens only the wrinkle-producing muscles to preserve your natural facial expressions.

The number of injections needed depends on many factors, including your facial features, the extent of the wrinkling and the specific area being treated. For example, crow's-feet usually require two to five injections. Furrows in your forehead could take eight or more injections.

The injections take about 5 to 10 minutes and are usually done in a procedure room.

What can you expect after the procedure?

The injections require no downtime; you can resume your normal daily activities immediately. You may have headache for a few hours after the treatment. Take care though, not to rub or massage the treated areas. This can cause the medicine to migrate to a different area of your face. If this happens, temporary facial weakness or drooping is possible.

You'll notice results within a few days, but the full effect takes about two weeks. Results aren't permanent. However, once it has taken effect, it takes three to six months for the affected muscles to begin functioning again. So, to maintain your look, you need follow-up injections every 3-6 months.

What are the side effects and risks?

The procedure is relatively safe when performed by an experienced doctor, however, side effects and complications can occur. These include: Pain and bruising at the injection site, redness, headache, flu-like symptoms, nausea, temporary facial weakness or drooping.

How much does it Cost?

The cost depends on the size of the area treated and the amount of injection required.

For centuries, people have sought smoother, more beautiful skin. Cleopatra used to bath herself in milk which we now know it has lactic acid, an acid we use to peel the skin.

No sooner do we grow out of our teenage skin problems than we begin the next phases of Aging: fine wrinkles, mild scarring and other irregularities of the skin caused by sun exposure, smoking and heredity to name just a few.

Everyday thousands of skin cells die, flake off and are replaced by new cells from beneath the skin. As we age, this process begins to slow down.

Our skin may become dull and show dark blotches, fine lines and other signs of sun-damage. Today, new techniques and technologies in chemical peeling offer safe and effective ways to improve the texture of the skin.

There are several different types of chemical peels availabe at EMC:

  • Glycolic Acid Peel

  • Amelan Peel

  • TCA Peel

  • Jessner Peel

  • Melano-out peel

Selecting the suitable one for you, will depend upon your condition and your skin type.

The Peel: How it’s done?

Chemical peeling is a process whereby a chemical solution is applied to the skin to remove dead skin cells and stimulate the production of new skin cells. It tightens the skin, reduces wrinkling and restores a more youthful appearance.

Chemical peels are always performed on an outpatient basis. Sedation for deeper peels is sometimes used to keep you comfortable during the peeling process Most peels, no matter the type, are performed in nearly the same way. The doctor begins your peel by cleansing your skin to remove all oils, dirt and soap traces. Then, the chemical is carefully applied to the appropriate areas using a swab applicator.

The entire procedure usually takes from 15 minutes to an hour depending upon the extent and type of peel used.

What should you expect after chemical peel?

Reactions to chemical peels are similar to a sunburn and range from mild to severe. generally, the deeper the peel, the longer the recovery period.

Chemical peels can effectively treat a wide variety of skin conditions including:

  • Fine lines and wrinkles.

  • Uneven pigmentation.

  • Very shallow acne scars.

  • Sun-damaged skin.

  • Age spots.

  • Freckling.

  • Pre-cancerous lesions.

At EMC, our skin specialist will select the suitable peel for your skin condition.

What is Dermapen?

DermaPen is a skin micro-needling treatment with minimum downtime which promotes scarless healing and natural collagen production in the skin to improve the appearance of scars, acne scarring, stretch marks, wrinkles, pigmentation and rejuvenate the skin.

What are the benefits of Dermapen?
  • Skin tightening, natural collagen induction, lifting and rejuvenation.
  • Healing acne scars and wounds.
  • Improving wrinkles and fine lines.
  • Improving stretch marks.
How long does it take to see results from Dermapen?

One can see the visible results in the appearance, texture, and smoothness of your skin in as little as three months!

Does the Dermapen hurt?

Numbing cream is applied on the treated are for half an hour,. Before doing the procedure. So the pain is minimal.

How often should you use a DermaPen?

Micro-needling can be safely repeated every 4-6 weeks until you achieve the desired results. For collagen induction we recommend to start with 3 treatments, but with a minimum separation time of 4 to 6 weeks between treatments. For scar reduction an average of 3 to 6 treatments are recommended.

Approximately every 28 days we create a new layer of skin. As new cells form, they push their way to the surface and then dead cells settle on the surface.

This can cause enlarged pores, clogged pores, a bumpy uneven texture, and a dull appearance. As we age, this process slows down leading to the appearance of older skin with less radiance.

Diamond Peeling is the latest scientific method using fine inert diamond tip to progressively abrade the skin's surface. It is used for skin resurfacing and treating a range of skin abnormalities.

What are the indications & who are the candidates?

Face and body peeling, lined, wrinkled or sun-damaged skins, dull, congested, thick or blemished skins, scar revision, super facial Hyperpigmentation , general smoothing of skin.

Men and women of any skin type or color. Skin that is aging congested, flaky, dry, devitalized, thickened, blemished, dull and sun damaged can be rejuvenated and refreshed. Blotchiness, uneven skin tones and texture will also be improved.

What areas can be treated?

Most common areas are the face, neck, chest, shoulders, back, hands, knees and elbows. Any area can be treated.

How many treatments do you need?

This treatment is meant to be progressive not aggressive. Generally, results are more noticeable after the third treatment. Although, after the first session the skin will appear fresher, cleaner, smoother and softer for some clients. Usually treatments are performed every 2 weeks for a series of 6. Maintenance treatments are suggested once every one to one and a half months.

How long does it take?

The actual treatment usually takes 45 minutes, depending on the body area. The treatment is applied to clean skin. A moisturizing sun block is usually applied at the end of the treatment.

What are the side effects?

Since there is minimal discomfort and no healing time, one can resume normal activities immediately after the session. One may experience a slight tingling, and afterward the skin may feel tighter, as if exposed to the wind or sun. It may appear slightly flushed and this generally fades in 12-24 hours. It is very important NOT to EXERCISE for 24 hours after the treatment. Perspiration will produce a stinging sensation on newly treated skin which can take several hours to dissipate.

Fifteen years ago, doctors started performing these procedures using Collagen. However, Collagen is derived from cows which makes pre-testing for allergies mandatory.

Furthermore, mad cows' disease is still a threat, Collagen use has been losing ground to non-animal derived substances such as Hyaluronic acid. These acids need no previous testing for allergy and do last for six months, twice as long as Collagen.

Fillers are made from Hyaluronic Acid which occurs naturally in the body. It is a completely safe and non-surgical way to add volume to the lips and reduce lines and wrinkles in the corner of the mouth, across the top lip, and in the nose to mouth line.

Hyaluronic acid occurs naturally in the body and is present in all living organisms, it means that once in the skin, it works together with the body's own hyaluronic acid and joins forces to create volume.

EMC uses the following Fillers:
  • Teosyal

  • Perlane

  • Restylane

  • Radiasse

  • Ellanse

  • Juverderm

  • Skin Fill Gold Plus

How it is done?

All injections are administered by certified consultants and a consultation is first required to establish the patient's needs. Restylane is injected under the skin with a very thin needle (the width of a human hair). The injections may prick a little but normally no anaesthesia is needed for wrinkles and folds. For patients who have sensitive skin, an anaesthesia cream or dental block is normally applied 45 minutes prior to the treatment.

What to expect after the procedure?

At EMC, the procedure is done on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia. Bruising and swelling can last twenty four hours. There will be no change in sensation and no long-term side effects. Local anesthetic creams are not enough to block the pain of the sensitive lips, but, special nerve blocks with a fine needle are more effective but require special skills. There is no pain after the procedure but the lips are severely swollen for the following 12-24 hours. When healed, your lips or your skin over the fold will be soft to touch and will feel normal.

How much does it Cost?

The cost depends on the number of syringes needed for each treatment.

Hydrafcial treatments is the newest advance in non-laser skin resurfacing. It is the only hydradermabraion procedure that combines cleansing, exfoliation, extraction, hydration and antioxidant protection simultaneously, resulting in clearer, more beautiful skin with no discomfort or downtime. The treatment is soothing, moisturizing, non-invasiveand non-irritating.

The Hydrafacial treatment improves the appearance of fine line, wrinkles, congested and enlarged pores, oily or acne-prone skin, hyperpigmentation and brown spots.

The Hydrafacial procedure is suitable for most skin types, including thin and aging skin, ethnic skin, and dry skin or oily skin. Start your skin maintenance program now with Hydrafacial to slow down you skin’s aging process and delay the need for invasive procedures.

What is Meso Glow?

Meso Glow is a form of Mesotherapy where small amounts of different medicines are injected in areas of the face resulting in facial rejuvenation, skin tightening, and a reversal of age related damage.

What are the components in Meso Glow injections?

Supplementation is an important aspect of health and skin care as it can often provide elements that your body is lacking or has lost. Supplements can contribute to an overall program that can help your skin concerns from the inside out. However, if your nutritional internal absorption is impaired or the vascular circulation in your skin is compromised from age, smoking, sun damage, etc., then injecting nourishing compounds may be exactly what your skin needs.

It can greatly enhance your body's ability to rejuvenate your skin in a much shorter time period. This solution is a cocktail of vitamins. Your skin naturally contains these ingredients, but in higher quantities when you were younger. We inject these compounds directly into the skin to quickly rejuvenate it.

How many Meso Glow treatments are required before I see results?

It depends on the patient's skin. The majority of patients start to see results after one treatment session while others will see noticeable results after three treatments.

We need to maintain number of session depending on the skin condition and doctors advice. Generally, for the rejuvenation of your skin, the average patient requires six treatments. However, if your lines are very deep, additional treatments may be needed. After each treatment, you will notice continued improvement in your wrinkles and the quality of your skin. Your skin feels tighter, more hydrated and the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines start to fade quickly.

What are the side effects?

This is a safe procedure has few side effects like bruising and swelling. The bruises usually fade within one week.

Can anyone receive Meso Glow treatments?

Anyone with the following conditions, should not be treated with Meso Therapy:

• Pregnant/Lactating Women
• Known Allergies to Injection Ingredients
• Active Skin Condition (herpes, eczema, cold sores, etc.

Is Meso Glow painful?

There is no discomfort with the Meso Glow application when a topical anesthetic is applied.

Can I go back to work after the treatment?

Yes. However, you will have a slight redness to the skin immediately post procedure that should dissipate after 12 hours. It is at your discretion if you should go back to work that day. You must avoid heat for eight hours after a treatment as it tends to cause a throbbing sensation to the treated area.

How long do the benefits last?

The benefits of Meso Glow skin rejuvenation can be long lasting. If you wear your sunblock on a daily basis, eat right, take care of yourself, the affects can last up to a year. Others may need a booster treatment in six months.

What Is Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)?

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) is “harvested” from your own blood. This is done by collecting a small volume of your blood (much like having a blood test) and spinning it down to separate the red blood cells from the platelet cells. This resulting PRP is introduced back under the skin by a series of tiny injections.

What is platelet?

PRP is not new to the world; it has been recognized for its accelerated wound-healing properties in surgery and sports injuries for some time.

Platelets are the “sticky glue” that stops bleeding when you hurt yourself. Their other job is to promote wound healing and repair by attracting growth cells.

PRP treatment produces a rejuvenating and tightening effect on your skin, giving it a healthy, youthful glow.

What it is using for?

It is ideal for: …

  • Fine lines and wrinkles

  • Textural improvement

  • Dull dry skin

  • Hair-growth stimulation (in those with thinning hair)

and is used in the following areas:

  • Full-face rejuvenation

  • Crepey neck

  • Eye area (both upper and lower eyelids)

  • Decolletage

  • Backs of hands

  • Other body areas

How long this procedure will take?

The process takes around an hour. The skin area(s) to be treated are numbed with a topical anesthetic cream.

What is the side effect of this procedure?

You can expect to have some redness, swelling and bruising, subsiding quickly over the following 4-7 days.

Do I have to repeat the treatment ?

The initial treatment for PRP is one treatment a month for 3 to 4 months, then repeat treatments either 6-monthly or 12-monthly, depending on your, age, skin and results.

Is there any long term side effects?

As PRP is made up of your own blood products there is no risk of allergy, rejection or serious long-term side effects.

What is Plexr?

Plexr is a non-surgical treatment which offers an effective alternative to surgical procedures such as blepharoplasty ( eyelid correction), face/neck lift and scar. Plexr creates a plasma arc to stimulate instant contraction and tightening of the skin in a process that takes 2-4 weeks. There is no scalpel or laser used and therefore no stitches

How is treatment performed?

The treatment is performed with dots created by the Plexr device to sublimate ( change from solid to gas) the superficial skin cells without bleeding to surrounding tissue.

Following treatment, the areas treated will be red with swelling. At the site of each dot, there will be a carbon crust that should not be touched except to camouflage for 7 days. You will need to keep the treated area clean, dry and protected from sun exposure or direct sources of heat for a minimum of 30 days.

What are the benefits:

Plexr is an effective treatment for individuals with excess skin or upper and lower eyelids fine lines and photo damaged skin. This treatment can be performed on any skin type. This procedure does not involve cutting the skin or stitches meaning a faster healing time.

The Miracle Gas - Reduce Dark Circles & Fine Lines aroung eyes.
CO2 RioJuvenation Therapy is one of the latest procedures that EMC introduced for the treatment of dark circles and fine lines around the eyes. CO2 ReJuvenation System gradually administers controlled amounts of sterile, medical-grade carbon dioxide via microinjections just beneath the surface of the skin.

How Does CO2 Rejuvenation Therapy work?

The introduction of CO2 into the dermis results in vasodilation, as the body attempts to correct what it considers an imbalance in the O2/ CO2 balance. The increased blood flow creates a surge of oxygen and nutrients, which fosters cell and collagen restoration and reduction of localized adipose.

How CO2 Rejuvenation system administered?

The CO2 RioJuvenation System gently introduces small amounts of sterile, medical-grade CO2 via a 0.3mm needle. The gas can be set to flow continuously or in pulses from 0 to 150 ml/mn, and the temperature of the gas can be adjusted from room temperature to 50 degrees celsius. Treatments take from 15 minutes to over an hour, depending on the size of the area and type of condition being treated.

Is carbon dioxide harmful or toxic?

A natural by-product of respiration, CO2 is present in every cell in the body. RioJuvenation introduces very small amounts of gas. By contrast, medical procedures like colonoscopy and laparoscopy introduce thousands of times more volume of CO2 to the body with no adverse effects. Some patients may experience mild discomfort; most patients report a “tingling” sensation, followed by a ‘pleasant warmth”.

What should a patient avoid after treatment?

RioJuvenation therapy requires no recovery time. As a precaution following treatment it is recommended that patients avoid strenuous physical activity for 2 hours and submerging in water for 4 hours.

How many treatments required to achieve good result?

The therapy requires, on average, between 4 and 12 treatments, on a monthly basis (depending on the condition and area being treated).Most people observe improvement after the first treatment, though it usually takes up to one month for the body to properly react to the process.

How long do the benefits last?

Effects can be very long-lasting but CO2 ReJuvenation doesn’t arrest the aging process. Regular maintenance treatments will extend the benefits of the treatment.

Highly concentrated stem cell conditioned media with 89 Growth factor complex proteins.

It contains 60 time concentration of GDF11growth factor which is responsible for skin cell proliferation and induction collagen and elastin and to improve fine lines, nourish and repair skin, soothe acne marks.

What is Thread Lift Therapy

The product used forThread Lift is a fine needle affixed to the absorbable thread. The needle is inserted into the subcutaneous layer of the skin, and when it is taken out, the threads remain implanted in the skin. Insertion of dozens of needles to the deeper layer of skin with absorbable threads activates their natural regenerative process and mechanical stimulation of wound healing and tissue contraction. It is an excellent and effective cosmetic technique to lift and tighten sagging skin tissues.

Will the procedure be uncomfortable?

You will have local anaesthetic cream applied to the lower face for half an hour prior to the procedure. We will then inject local anaesthetic to the parts of the face that can feel a little sore. After this you should not feel any sharp pain. As the deeper needle goes through the ligaments we sometimes have to apply quite a lot of pressure, and this may feel a little uncomfortable but does not last for long.

What is the downtime after the procedure?

The downtime with this type of thread lift is minimal. There is no need to take time off work unless you would feel more comfortable with this. There are some possible side effects, as with any treatment:

  • Swelling is common but mild in most patients. This can persist for around a week
  • Bruising may occur, but is less common with this technique as no sharp needles are used
  • A pulling type pain is normal after the procedure and can persist for several days
Do I need follow-up after Thread Lift PDO therapy?

We will arrange follow-up around 1 week after initial treatment and again at 3 months. At the 3 month appointment we can discuss the need for any touch ups and an ongoing maintenance programmed.

What Is Ultherapy?

Ultherapy is the only non-surgical procedure US. FDA approved to lift & tighten your brows, neck, under the chin & specifically to improve the appearance of lines & wrinkles on the chest décolletage.  Ultherapy can help patients achieve a fresher, more youthful look from brow to the chest.

Is ultherapy same as HIFU?

An alternative to HIFU is Ultherapy, which is actually a brand of HIFU machine used to counteract sagging of the skin without surgery. It lifts and tightens the neck, chin and brow to improve lines and wrinkles.

Is Ultherapy uncomfortable or painful? .

Some patients tolerate the procedure well while other patients experience significant discomfort or pain while the energy is being delivered. This pain and discomfort are temporary and a signal that the collagen-building process has been initiated.

How long do the effects of Ultherapy last?

Following treatment, some patients may experience tingling and/or discomfort at the treatment site. These side effects tend to disappear after a few days to weeks. Ultherapy results last for a surprisingly long time. Most patients can expect results to last anywhere from two to three years

The Common Side Effects are :-
  • Slight swelling.
  • Tingling.
  • Bruising.
  • Sensitivity to touch.
  • Temporary numbness on a small area of the skin.
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