Cosmetic Dentistry

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Dental Crowns

As we get older, many of us discover that our teeth that are no longer as structurally sound as they were in our youth. Grinding your teeth, an improper bite, age, fillings and tooth decay are all contributing factors in the erosion, cracking or breakage of your teeth. If the entire surface of the tooth is damaged, but the root system has remained intact, your dentist will usually suggest that a dental crown be put in place.

Dental Bridges

A dental bridge is a false tooth which is fused between two porcelain crowns in order to replace a missing tooth. Each bridge is custom made to fill in the space. If spaces are left unfilled the surrounding teeth are liable to drift out of position. Furthermore, spaces from missing teeth can cause your other teeth and your gums to become far more susceptible to tooth decay and gum disease.

Lava™ Crowns & Bridges

The Lava™ Crowns and Bridges system is an innovative CAD/CAM technology using a zirconium oxide base. The esthetics of Lava restorations represent the optimum in all-ceramic systems. Preparations require removal of less tooth structure, and cementation can be accomplished using proven, conventional techniques. Colorable frameworks that are thin and translucent ensure a natural and vital appearance. Lava crowns and bridges provide some of the most durable and esthetic all-ceramic restorations available today.

If a single spot on one of your teeth is not cleaned daily, the remaining bacteria will transform themselves into a sticky film substance called plaque. The plaque will produce acids which eat away at the enamel of the tooth and will eventually cause cavities. When the cavity gets through the enamel, into the underlying tooth structure (the dentin), repair or restoration is necessary.

If there is sufficient tooth structure remaining after removal of all the caries, a filling is placed. There are three types of fillings commonly used:

Amalgam (silver) fillings

Amalgam (silver) fillings have been used for decades and they remain one of the most commonly used filling materials. They are often referred to as metal fillings. Amalgam is a mixture of silver and other metals, such as copper, tin and zinc, grounded into powdered form. The silver powder is mixed with mercury and placed into the cavity preparation where it is shaped before hardening.

Recent studies have proved amalgam fillings to be perfectly safe. It is true, that mercury vapor is toxic but mercury molecules in hardened amalgam are bound to the silver molecules rendering the level of toxicity harmless. The American Dental Association and the Food and Drug Administration have researched the safety of amalgam fillings and have found them to be not only safe but extremely effective.

Gold fillings

Gold fillings are widely viewed of restorations. From a bio-mechanical perspective, they are the ideal material as they will not tarnish or corrode and they wear at the same rate as tooth enamel. The placement of a gold filling requires two separate appointments with your dentist. At the first visit, the cavity is removed and the tooth is prepared. An impression is taken of the tooth preparation and a temporary restoration is placed. A custom made filling is made from the impression. At the second visit the temporary restoration is removed and the gold filling is placed. A cast gold filling is made in a dental lab and sent back to your dentist, who cements it in place in your mouth. You will need at least two visits to the dentist to get the job done.

Composite fillings

Composite fillings are the newest type of filling in common usage. They are commonly known as white fillings. They are a porcelain/plastic hybrid that is bonded directly to the cavity preparation. Composite fillings were created as an alternative to traditional metal dental fillings. They are colored to look like natural teeth and are more esthetically pleasing than amalgam or gold fillings. They are also strong, durable, and make for a very natural looking smile.

Dental Veneers are thin, individual hand crafted wafers of porcelain or plastic, which can be bonded to your teeth to change their shape, color or alignment. Often an alternative to crowns, dental veneers look completely natural and are made of a very durable ceramic material that actually strengthens your tooth! It is very common for people to have imperfect teeth, either oddly shaped teeth, chipped teeth, crooked teeth, teeth with small holes in them, or an inappropriate sized tooth or teeth that have an odd appearance. Dental Veneer solve such irregularities and create a durable and pleasing smile.

There are two tooth veneers procedures available that correct discoloration of the teeth by removing the brown and yellow staining. While each work effectively, there are advantages and disadvantages to each procedure dependent upon your objectives and commitment to the processes. The type of procedures available should be discussed with your cosmetic dentist, and they will recommend the most appropriate tooth veneers procedure for you.

Porcelain Veneer Procedure

Only the teeth that show are veneered and this procedure can be carried out on both the upper and lower teeth. Teeth are prepared for veneers by lightly buffing to allow for the small added thickness of the veneer. Veneers are created from an impression taken in your cosmetic dentist's office. Your custom veneer is then placed directly onto your tooth with water or glycerin to verify their perfect fit and the shade or color. The color cannot be changed after the veneers are adhered to your teeth. The tooth is then cleansed with chemicals to achieve a durable bond. Once the glue is between the veneer and your tooth, a light beam is used to harden the glue/cement. Usually porcelain veneers require two visits and also require a dental laboratory to create the final tooth restoration piece.

Composite Veneer Procedure

Composite (direct) veneers are usually performed in a single visit to your cosmetic dentist. The procedure is an application of a bond and enamel directly to the tooth's surface.

Do you want to Zoom!?

The Zoom! Chairside whitening System is a scientifically advanced tooth whitening procedure. It’s safe, effective and fast, very fast. In just over an hour your teeth will become dramatically whiter.

Zoom! Chairside Whitening is ideal for anyone looking for immediate results. The convenience of Zoom! In comparison to day of wearing trays or strips, makes it the perfect choice for the busy individual.

Get ready to Zoom!

The Zoom! In-office whitening system will make your teeth dramatically whiter in a little over an hour. The procedure is simple. It begins which a short preparation to cover your lips and gums, leaving only your teeth exposed.

The Zoom! Clinician then applies the proprietary Zoom!. Whitening gel, which was designed to be used with a specially designed light.

The Zoom! Light and gel work together to gently penetrate your teeth, breaking up stains and discoloration. With proper care you smile will sparkle for years.

What does a patient experience during the Zoom! In-office procedure?

During the procedure, patients may comfortably watch television or listen to music. Many actually fall asleep. Individuals with a strong gag reflex or anxiety may have difficulty undergoing the entire procedure.

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