EMC inaugurates vascular surgery department

Posted on : March 23, 2022


EMC inaugurates  Vascular Surgery Department and  launches  the new product IQ- 7 Frankincense  Age Define Secret under the Patronage of H.H. Sayyida Hujaija Bint Jaifar Al Said, Chairperson of the Association for the Care of Disabled Children along with felicitating the mothers with the token of appreciation on the occasion of Omani Mother’s Day on March 21st 2022.

EMC is the leading Center in Cosmetic Services in Dermatology, Hair Removal Laser, Dental, Orthodontics and Plastic Surgery  which has been proved by several awards which EMC received for best clinic, exceptional services and is also  for the most trusted brand among the people in Sultanate of Oman for more than two decades.

Dr. Deep Makkar, General Manager welcomed the guests and said “Owing to the great popularity of EMC services and products and to cater to the demand of EMC patients to get the solution for their Varicose veins problems, it gives me immense pleasure to add  Vascular Surgery Department   with highly qualified and skilled, U.K. Certified Consultant Surgeon Dr. Tamer Fouad Sayed with more than 20 years of experience and launching of our Product IQ-7 Frankincense  Age Define Secret  for the youthful appearance of the skin.”

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